Hi! I would like to wear some shades of (light) purple eyeshadow. Would you recommend brown eye liner or grey? A friend told me brown, but the sales girl at the store said No, use grey instead. Which do you think is better? Thanks!Which color eye liner would you suggest?
I think u should use gray cuz gray fits better with the color purple than brown does, but if u r using pink eyeshadow go with brown cuz those colors go together better and will look goodWhich color eye liner would you suggest?
I think grey it goes beter with the purple, although brown could make it stand out more, it also depends on the colour of your eyes, brown eyeliner lookes great on blue eyes, nd grey would look better on brown eyes, brown looks good on green/hazel eyes, makes them look bigger and stand out. : ) Hope this helps.....you shud jus experiment nd see wht looks good x
The black would look good on you. Try the gray see if it looks good and if not try the brown. Though with a color so bright like purple you might wanna use a dark color itll work best
so try black and grey :) see what u like :) dont forget to email me for your other question :)
well, you can always try things out. i'm sure your friends or you own some different color eyeliner. why dont you ask your friends if they have some eyeliner.
** however, i would recommend grey or black but its your choice.
I wear light purple eyeshadow a lot, but i match it with black. Grey sounds really pretty though.
lol but def. not brown.
help? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
it depends on ur eye color.. u need to find a color wheel and find ur eye color and pick the color opposite of that.. for ex. mine r brown so i use a dark purple
Well, I use black.
But if the sales girl at the store said gray, use gray--she's the professional.
But then again, I guess it's what you think looks best!
id say brown but i guess it depends ont he outfit, id say i dark grey then.
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