Friday, June 25, 2010

What color eye liner goes best with blue eyes?

my eyes are blue/ grey.What color eye liner goes best with blue eyes?
black liquid liner DRAMATICWhat color eye liner goes best with blue eyes?
Black or dark brown. Period. No other color ever no matter what color your eyes are.
Many colors, I'd say.

With my blue eyes, a charcoal grey eyeliner gives a stronger effect.

I'm quite partial to a plum colored eyeliner right now.
Same color as your hair.
Black or Navy
Well to be perfectly honest with you it depends on what suites your face. I think on me balck and tourquise green look slammin and even sometimes really dark blue but just go crazy and have fun with make up trying on different colors. Thats the only way to find out what suites you best.
Milky White
Brown not so dark..
black or brown. my best friend has blue eyes %26amp; black and brown looks best!
black my little sister has blue eyes and i always use it on her!!1
Either black or brown. Wear brown when you wear day make-up. Black for night make-up, for a more dramatic effect.:)
I would have to say brown would look the best.
I would say black or dark brown. I have blue/grey eyes and I use black eyeliner and sometimes I use the liquid stuff. If u r a wild child try red

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