Friday, December 4, 2009

Who advised Michael Jackson with make-up specially as regards the black eye-liner pencil ?

Who was his image consultant ?Who advised Michael Jackson with make-up specially as regards the black eye-liner pencil ?
That was a tatoo. Not make-up.Who advised Michael Jackson with make-up specially as regards the black eye-liner pencil ?
Well he wore makeup because he had issues with his skin

%26amp; also its his face he could have wore make up if he wanted to.
he got permanent eye liner under his eyes

and plenty of men did that and still do today

i.e Fall Out Boy, PATD etc.. so yea what's your point?
men look good with eyeliner. maybe thats just the goth in me lol.
It is called his STYLE.
I dunno.
his make up artist always caked him up
That was just what people did in the 80's..!

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